Kimbertal's Gabi Dee's Chagall von Conklin
Gabi is our newest addition Doberman Pinscher. She was born April 8, 2016 a litter of 10 puppies - 8 males and 2 females all black/rust/mahogany. Her dam's name is Vida Loca von Kimbertal (import pedigree lines), and sire is Donn Chagall Home (import). As Gabi grows, she will be entering into her obedience training skills and for starters aiming for her AKC CGC testing. Her skills will continue to be assessed and noted on her page here.
Gabi's health tests will be noted as age appropriate time for testing specific tests.
She is Vwd- clear; DM - clear; Thyroid - normal tests; PennHip - no dsyplasia; DNA DCM - neg both genes.
Upon several health wellness checks, heart rate normal, no murmurs, and weight and age is on target.
Gabi's growing character - she is much active/bubbly/spunky puppy stage. Gabi is excelling in her obedience training. She has completed 1 formal puppy boot camp, and 1 group obedience class. Gabi is continuing her obedience as class scheduling permits, and training everyday at home. Gabi earned her AKC CGC June 2017. Gabi's mommy is an outstanding dam who has learned much obedience skills since her mommy parent is a certified dog trainer back east. Vida gets to enjoy one of her puppies growing up with her for her human parent chose a handsome boy and is becoming the 2nd ambassador with training developement too. Vida will have her titles documented such as AKC CGC and more soon. Gabi - she responds well to verbal commands but of course she is now entering into training basic puppy skills. She is full of energy, and loves attention. What puppy wouldn't? ;o) She is good size body and bone density and full dentition. Her head is more refined and somewhat square like. All this will change as she grows.
Gabi has been in obedience training classes since she was 4 months old. She continues along with her other Dobie pals- Coco and Nixon. She knows verbal, and hand commands and does good while in training off-leash.
Vida Loca von Kimbertal Donn Chagall Home
Growing up stages in the litter pack
pedigree generations
Gabi's 1st camping trip at 13 weeks old ---- summer of 2016
November 2016
December 2016 - 8 months old
2017 ---